The Repertoire Bank

A Unique Tool for Finding Music

KVAST collects art music by women composers written for all instrumentations: instrumental and vocal, with or without electronics, works from different eras and countries, easy or intermediate level…the choices are many.

How to use the Repertoire Bank

Select a filter in one or more categories to display works that meet all those characteristics.

  • Tap or click the plus symbol to the left of each piece to show additional information.
  • Use the “Clear Filters” button (or refresh the page in your browser) to reset your search and start again with new filters. Sometimes our Repertoire Bank needs a fresh start to perform its best!

You can also perform a free text search, e.g. for ensemble name, composer or date. Type your search terms in the search box, found at the top right of the results list (below the filter options). A note on instrument abbreviations: We use the IMSLP system - Link to abbreviations on IMSLP. If you search for an abbreviation, every entry in the database will appear that containing that abbreviation. For example, a search for “va” (viola) yields over 900 results. To narrow the results, try applying more filters or expanding your search terms: for example, “va and pf” or “va solo.”

You can also sort your results. In the results list, click or tap the arrows next to the headers. You can sort alphabetically by title or chronologically by date, for example.

To save a copy of your results, click the “PDF” button, found below and to the right of the filter options. This generates a PDF of the currently visible results page. To print all your results, select “ALL” in the “Show Entries” box at the top left of the results list.

We warmly invite you to help us expand the Repertoire Bank by submitting new works for inclusion. We curate and catalog all of the professional compositions we receive before we add them to the public database. Use the link below to access the submission form.


About us

The Swedish Association of Women Composers (Kvinnlig Anhopning av Svenska Tonsättare – KVAST) is a nonprofit organization whose mission is to raise awareness for women composers and promote the performance of their music.
What’s a kvast, you may ask? In Swedish, the word kvast means “broom.”


The Repertoire Bank

At over 3,000 works (and counting), our database of music by women composers is among the largest in the world! Browse or search the records and hear samples of a wide range of music: symphonic and chamber, electronic and live electronic, choral and operatic. Find compositions by women based on genre, difficulty level, instrumentation, title or duration.

To The Repertoire Bank

Knowledge and Inspiration

Listen, look, read and learn more!
Here you can find selection of women composers with short bio and also a statistics report from Sweden 2016-2019.
Furthermore there are links to lists on Spotify and Youtube, a collection of Links and Tips and link to theory examples.

Knowledge and Inspiration